Thursday, October 1, 2009


Hello, faithful readers. I'm sorry its been awhile since I updated things here. We had a fantastic trip to Buenos Aires that I plan to tell you about soon. It really couldn't have been any better. The weather, except for Sunday was beautiful and the students were, of course, fantastic.

We arrived home late Tuesday night exhausted. On Wednesday we started up classes again. Then tragedy struck my computer and it died, or it at least is very very sick. Luckily the files I need for classes I have saved in multiple places that I can get to on other computers. It did become very very ill just as I was starting biochem, the class in which I use my computer. Luckily, I could move on to the next chapter in which I didn't actually need my computer (for now). The other fortunate thing, I hope, is that we are having guests from Abilene next week and I hope that they can bring me my school computer. It is neither as small, cute or pink, but it should work in a pinch. ;)

Hopefully I'll tell you more about the trip with pictures soon.


Shelly said...

oh no! That computer trouble sounds familiar... hope you will be able to get it fixed soon. Let me know if you need anything and who I can send it with!
Glad you're having a great time!

Autumn said...

Thanks, I've been in contact with Julie and some people from my department. It looks like she will be able to bring my computer to me.

kry05a said...

remember when Kimberly's computer super-died? she was so amazingly chill about it, (i would have weeped and gnashed my teeth probably) I couldn't believe it....hehe! hope you get things worked out.