Well, I know I've mentioned the gym... ummm... a few times before. But hey considering that I spend somewhere between 5 and 8 hours a week at the gym... it makes up a pretty significant part of my week. I had been meaning to take my camera before, but I kept chickening out because I really didn't want to draw extra attention to myself. I had finally told Fabricio that I was going to bring it on Monday. But I forgot and Fabricio was disappointed in me, so I was sure and remembered on Tuesday.
Well Tuesday was Body Combat, probably my favorite class... although I love Dario's step classes, too. If I don't forget/ chicken out, I'll have to take my camera to one of those too.
I tried to take pictures in a way that wasn't super obvious, so I started by taking pictures when everyone was turned away.

This is the famous Fabricio. Even though we always punch the air, the instructors wear the gloves... I guess it gives an air of authenticity to being a cardio kick boxing type class.

In this picture, you can see about half the room. Tuesday afternoon the class is relatively small (like 20-25). If you can imagine on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday nights there are roughly 50-60 people in there. It gets super exciting trying not to hit or punch your neighbor. But it is worth it because the night classes are always fun and energy filled.

AtrĂ¡s! I decided I wanted to take a few pictures while Fabricio was facing my direction. But it was ok, because I knew the song and it was one where people mainly faced the front, so I thought I could do it without everyone noticing. Then Fabricio posed for me (I didn't move fast enough to get the picture.) Everyone got a kick out of it... get it... Body Combat... Kick... GET IT???
After class, I wanted to take pictures of the guys. (Dario teaches Power Jump after Body Combat on Tuesdays.) Now notice in all the pictures before this Fabricio is wearing a red shirt. He realized he was not wearing an official Body Systems shirt. So before he took a picture with us, he went to change. Which of course meant that Dario waited to start his class. So subtly went out the window... we stood in front of approximately of 15-20 people while we were waiting for Fabricio and then took pictures. Dario explained to them later that it was for my blog.

So here are two of my favorite guys in Uruguay. Fabricio is on the left and Dario is on the right.

Just to be sure the change was worth it: Here's a close up of the shirt. BODY COMBAT BODY COMBAT BODY COMBAT. (Fabricio, ese es para t
i.) I wanted to be sure that Body Combat was really mentioned.

Here's Kelsey with the guys, too. I figured she should be featured as she's the one that got me started going to the gym.
Anyway, I demand that all of you that come down here go to see these two great guys. It is super fun and it helps balance out all the food that Raquel feeds you!
1 comment:
It was fun putting faces to so many people in this and your other recent blog entries, Autumn. I loved seeing the gym guys, the cooking ladies, the folks at church, etc.
Had you had Thanksgiving in Abilene you would have had a lot of SNOW! It was crazy fun, since all my big family was here with all their little kids. We went sledding over at Sherrod, built snow forts, and generally frolicked!
On a sadder note, we prayed for your family today at church, Autumn. I'm sorry about your aunt.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you down there in Montevideo! Have fun in Brazil!
Oh yes, please buy the cell phone and minutes for me and I will pay you when you get here if that's OK?
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