Classes are winding down. I'm having a hard time remembering that its time for Thanksgiving. Flowers don't usually bloom before Thanksgiving... but then again as we are talking about glycolysis and the Kreb's cycle in biochem... it must be time for the holidays. (Isn't it sad that I can tell the time of the year by what I'm talking about in biochem?)
Let's see what has happened in the last week... OH YEAH:
Wednesday night, on the way home from 2 hours of aerobics, Caitlin and I ran into Eric Rama (ouch that hurt). He was going to dinner with Jonathan and invited us along. One of his German friends from school joined us. It was really fun. Caitlin and I found out that if we really feed off each other when we are in the right mood. (That means we get just a tad silly.) Poor Eric took the brunt of it, because he hung out with us outside of the building until late talking.
Thursday, we went to the Brazillian consul to apply for visitor visas for our trip this week. It actually went really smoothly. Because we some how got split up from the rest of the students, Sandra went to look for them. So when our number was called I started the process... frankly I was overly proud of myself for it. Sandra got there before any confusion hit.

Friday night after aerobics, Anne, Caitlin, and I went to dinner together. Towards the end of dinner, the owner of the restaurant came over to talk to us. He was really nice and it was a lot of fun. That is one of the fun things about going to lots of little restaurants verses big chain restaurants, we get to know the servers and owners. Its way fun.
Saturday, I went to aerobics (of course) and did some shopping. That night, we had a girls night and several of us went out to dinner. Because the weather was nice we were able to sit outside and enjoy the weather.
Sunday was church. I don't know if its the weather or what, but there were a lot more of the members there. It is really fun to be able to greet so many people. Have I mentioned how much I enjoy the church here. Sunday night was funny because I think it was the first Sunday night or Thursday night were the women outnumbered the men. But that might have had something to do with the fact the National Uruguayan soccer team was playing Chile just down the street. (Notice I said that the women outnumbering the men was unusual... that is one different thing about this church, especially on Sunday and Thursday nights, there are always more men... One night I was outnumbered 12 to 1 or something.)
Monday was a normal class day. I went to aerobics and disappointed Fabricio because I had forgotten my camera. Biochem ran over a bit (stupid prof) so I was running a bit late. I had asked him if I could take pictures since I talk about them all the time. I walked in and he looked at me and gestured asking if I had brought it. He was sad when I didn't have it. So I'm taking it this afternoon... I don't want to disappoint him too much. :)
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