After arriving in Santiago, we had a couple of hours before we were supposed to me Sr. Pado, who was supposed to take us to the place we were staying in the Andes. It took almost all of that time for us to find ATM's that would take all of our cards. After a frustrating hour and a half or so, we got enough money that we thought we'd be ok (we needed cash for our 2 days in the Andes), then headed to the Plaza Italia where we were supposed to meet our driver. While we were waiting, the rest of the group was able to get money. We finally found Mr. Pado and headed 2 hours outside of Santiago to Canjon de Maipo where we spent Monday afternoon until Tuesday morning. It was an amazing place. We kept having to remind ourselves that we were really this blest to get to spend time surrounded by the Andes. Rather than going into a long explanation about our time there, I thought I'd show you some of the roughly 200 pictures I took and tell you about them.

This is probably my favorite picture. Everytime I see it, I can't believe I was there and took the picture! On Monday night we had devo and this was the view we were looking at.

This is my, Chelsea, and Ann's room at Refugio de Los Valdes. The Refugio only used electricity from a generator from dark until 11 or 12.

The view out our bedroom window.

When hiking behind the Refugio we even found wild life. I can't help but take pictures of lizards now, because they make me think of my nephew. Can you spot it?

Flowers can grow everywhere!
The Horseback Ride:
Heading up the mountain. I was on a burro named Macho. I'm afraid I couldn't resist all the donkey/ burro jokes there were, esp. since Macho like to walk on the edge of the trail next to drop offs, I enjoyed yelling, "I'm a donkey on the edge!"

Heading toward snow covered mountains

Now if you are starting to think, I'm just using this blog to brag about the scenery we saw, you are probably right.

The biochemists who went horseback riding. This was where we took a break. Its sad that we had to suffer through such scenery. (Yes I know the hat looks dorky, but it saved me from a horrible sunburn.)

Across the mud flat.

Over the edge.

El Refugio Los Valdes from a distance. It is the red building among the trees. They had to do lots of irrigation to keep all of those trees.

After 4 hours on a horse/ burro, we were a little saddle sore.

Sunset in the mountains... And yes, I'm still bragging.

Tuesday night we shared chocolate fondue to celebrate our time in the mountains.
(Because the scenery wasn't enough.)

Our traveling group. From the Left: Kimberly, Anne, Kelsey, Luke (in back) Chelsea, Jennifer, Me (in back), Jonathan S.
1 comment:
Wow! I'm so happy for you that you get to experience these beautiful places and fun people!
Love to you all!
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