1. The students got Rhonda and I flowers, chocolate, and wrote us sweet notes just to thank us for all we do. It was a nice surprise. I LOVE getting flowers, and I don't get them often... so that made my day.
2. A visit to Oscar's store. Oscar, one of the elders from church, owns a hardware store near CasaACU. Kelsey and I decided to go visit. It was way fun. The look on his face was great. First it was "Oh wow... this is so cool the girls came to visit me." Quickly followed by a look that said, "Wait a second, they don't speak much Spanish, I don't speak much English. How are we going to communicate?" We managed to communicate ok though. Eduardo also works at the store and so we got to talk to him too. I think they thought it was really neat that we visited.
3. Aerobics... Of course... Body Combat is always fun. The girl next to me and I kept laughing about having to do jumps in class. After class she asked me a question. I panicked for a bit then realized I knew the answer. She had only asked if it was really only 5. I confirmed that it was.
4. I survived my first phone conversation in Spanglish. I called Pablo, the guy who teaches our Bible class, to ask him a question. He was a tad bit surprised when it was me. I had already figured out how to say what I wanted to ask him in Spanish. So that part went fine. Then we talked about other stuff. We switched back and forth between English and Spanish. But it worked! I've talked to him a lot at church... but I wasn't sure how much gesturing played a role in our conversations, so I was glad we were able to communicate.
5. My classes... I really an enjoying getting to know the students in my classes. In intro chem we all have nicknames: I'm "The Great Grade Giver" for obvious reasons... but I can't remember why it came up. Jenna is "Math Head," because she can do arithmetic at a crazy speed in her head. Nikita is "Bone-cracker," because she is always cracking various joints. Caitlyn is "The Distracter" because she is the one who most often get us off topic. We didn't have a nickname for Chelsea until today when she became "The Usurper" because she did math fast today, and taught part of the class, and got us off topic. So she tried to take all the rest of our roles. We have way more fun in that class than should be allowed.
6. AND tonight is English class which is always fun... Speaking of which my hair is still wet and class is in 20 minutes... so I should quit writing and get ready!
1 comment:
A phone call in Spanish?! That is REALLY something! I was terrified of taking calls in French a couple of years ago when the girls and I were in Paris. I really need those gestures and eye contact and looking at the speaker's mouth... anyhoo, I'm impressed with you getting through that! Woo-HOO!!!
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