When we arrived in Valpairso, we went to our hostel, which was very cute. Staying in a hostel is fun because it is cheap and there are lots of other young travelers from all over the world staying there. It can lead to unusual situations though too, b/c they tend to have mixed dorm rooms. Well with 8 of us and 6 girls, we could work around this... or so we though. We booked a room for our guys, and then the 6 of us would fill up a dorm. Well the dorm in our hostel in Valpairso was a 7 person dorm. So it ended up being the six of us and a guy from Columbia, named Andreis. It ended up not being a big deal, he was really clean cut and didn't go to bed until after we were all asleep and didn't get up until we were all up and out. But there were lots of jokes about us sharing a room with a Columbian. Is it weird that was less uncomfortable than the idea of sharing a room with our guys?

When we went back to Valpairso we climbed the big hill up to our hostel. We had planned to eat at a restaurant down the street from our hostel, but we found out it was closed. Then the debate became whether to venture back down the big hill. 5 of us decided to head down to a German-Chilean restaurant. The food was good and it was really fun kitchy place. We had the best time laughing and carrying on. The owner who is a German who moved to Chile 20 or so years ago (or as the English version of the flier about the restaurant said, "droped his anchor" yes droped, not dropped) came over to visit with us. He kept giving Luke a hard time about being out with 4 women. It was a really fun night.
I had a caught a cold at some point, so I had a hard time sleeping. I stayed up really late because I felt bad coughing was afraid that I'd keep everyone else up. Anyway, I slept in while the rest of the group headed to a museum. It did give me a chance to visit with Andreis who is a computer programmer.

Once we got to Santiago, we headed to our hostel. This one was in the middle of the art district, and this time we had a room for 6 girls, so we didn't share with any strange men. It was interesting that everyone that stayed at this hostel spoke English and I don't think anyone was from South America. In the evening we went to a nearby neighborhood that had lots of little shops. When you are in a group with 6 girls... shopping cannot be neglected. After shopping we ate dinner at an Incan Restaurant. I'm still not sure what kind of sauce was on my chicken, but it was super good. After dinner we went back to the hostel. We met an American couple that took a year off from work to travel. I hung out with them the rest of the evening. Among other things we watched the World Series.

exhibit, which was people painting and doing art. The coolest

After the trip to the zoo we went back to the hostel and spent quite awhile hanging out with some folks from the hostel. Several of us sat outside, including the American couple, an Israeli woman, a German guy, and 3 Brits. It was a lot of fun. For dinner we went to eat Greek food. When we got back to the hostel, some of the girls went out to listen to some local music. I ended up watching Elizabethtown with the German guy. He had missed the first part, and we could hardly hear it. It was funny trying to explain the non-plot.
Saturday morning, we got up early and headed to the bus station. Then we began our 28 hour trip home. It wasn't as bad as it sounds. We slept a good portion of it. Our trip was fun, but I was glad to get back to Montevideo and my own bathroom.