Our big plan for Monday was to go on a 4X4 Tour. Now these aren't 4-wheelers, but big 4x4 range rover type vehicles. At about 9 on Monday our driver picked us along with two other people from our hostel. We were seated one passenger in the front seat, 3 in the middle seat, and 4 sitting in the back 2 and 2 facing inward with our knees crashing together. :)
From the hostel we headed out of town and towards the mountains... well I guess you head towards the mountains from every direction in Ushuaia, but anyway... we headed out of town. We drove for about 45 min or so on the highways getting beautiful views of the mountains, although those of us in the back did have to duck down a bit to see them.
One interesting thing we saw was a ski resort where the ski lift and the ski slope went over the highway. They built a special bridge so the skiers could just keep going. Although there were lots of fences and stuff to keep people from skiing into the highway, I still think it would make me really nervous. Of course, I'm not what you would call graceful on skis.
Well, after 45 min or so we turned onto a dirt road (which doesn't mean its a minor road... many, many road in Tierre del Fuego are dirt) and headed toward Lago Fagnano. Along the way our driver pointed out some of the features of the area. For example, a moss called "old man's beard" grows there. Apparently it only grows where the air is really clear. We were informed of this several times. Also the soil isn't very deep (8 inches), so the trees blow over easily, but when they do, because it is so cold there, they tend to take a long time to decay. Our driver said the trees can live to be about 500 years old (if they don't get blown over) but they take 400 years to decay. (I have no idea if that is actually true or not.)
One of the strangest moments was when we were driving on a deeply rutted path very slowly and a guy from the 4X4 in front of us got out. He came back and walked a long beside our driver talking to him. Then climbed up on the hood and rode until our driver caught up to the other vehicle. When he did, the man got off and climbed back into the other vehicle... IN THE DRIVERS SEAT!!! Yup, the ruts were so deep that he could just let the ruts steer the vehicle.
After awhile of splashing through the water and going up and over hills and through mud puddles and generally being jostled a lot, we stopped at a beautiful spot along the lake. We got out to stretch our legs, settle our stomachs, and take pictures. The drivers also told us that if we needed to go to the bathroom that this was a good time because it would be another 20 - 30 minutes until the cabin where we were eating lunch. They also told us that the forest was our bathroom. Rosalinda and Amber couldn't wait. I thought surely he was kidding and decided to wait for the cabin we were going to. Just for the record he wasn't. All the girls (and I guess guys too) got to take solitary walks in the forest. I think this is clearly a man's idea.
Anyway, we hopped back in the vehicles and drove by and through the lake some more.
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