I know I already wrote a long entry today, but I just briefly wanted to share a bit of the fun silliness we had tonight. I'll tell you more about our official activities which were also fun later.
Most of the students, Rachel B., and I had watched the Disney version of Robin Hood. For some reason after the movie, we ended up in the exercise room.

First there were things like a chin up contest between Josh and Ben. Rachel W. decided that bowling needed to happen with the little plastic bins.

Matt and Kate had a weight lifting contest.

Rachel W. and Kate practiced a little ballet.

Then the real silliness began. It started innocently enough with just kicking around a little ball, maybe trying to keep it in the air. Then someone decided to make it a mixed cultural experience so we started kicking around a futbol and throwing around a football. And then at some point a big yoga ball was added. Anyway, it was so fun to see everyone just laughing and carrying on playing elementary type games and just having a great time together. They were really impressed that Rachel B. and I played with them.
For all the great cross-cultural experiences, I think these are the sorts of things that really make study abroad fun.
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