Days 2 and 3 have been about getting to know each other and the city of Montevideo. Friday morning we had a hot breakfast, then had a house meeting. We discussed fun stuff like rules and policy of CasaACU. The students did great. Afterwords, Wimon lead us in a time of discussing what we are excited about, scared about, and how we can deal with our fears best.

Some of the students at the base of the statue of Artigas, the national hero.

After lunch, we headed down to Ciudad Vieja, the Old City. After pointing out some of the key sites, Wimon broke the students into groups and let them go. The had a list of things they were supposed to see for one of the classes. The students got a chance to look around and explore the our area of the city. Ciudad Vieja is a straight shot down the main road, 18 de Julio, to CasaACU... but it is two miles.
I hung out with Rachel. We visited part of the old city, including the cathedral. Then we walked down to El Rio de la Plata and sat at the on the wall overlooking the river. Then we started back down 18 de Julio. We stopped at La Ciagale's so that Rachel could have the great experience of ice cream in Uruguay. We got to sit out on the deck in beautiful sunshiny weather and people watched. It then hit us that we were being paid to be there. Its a tough job, but somebody has to do it. After awhile, we headed back the rest of the way back to the house.
Later in the evening, I decided to head to the grocery store to pick up a few supplies. As Rachel and I were walking out, several of the students were coming in. When they heard where we going they asked to tag along, so we had an adventure at the grocery store. While there the students decided they should fix dinner together, so they figured out supplies to have pasta and a sauce. I think they had a really good time figuring out how to cook and eat together.
For dinner, Rachel, the Walkers, and I went out to discuss business. Believe it or not, while we discussed many topics, we did actually discuss business. We went to a really good parilla and ate meat, meat, and more meat.
This morning we went to Punta Carretas Shopping and the ferria near by. Punta Carretas shopping is a high end shopping mall. The ferria is an open market where one can buy all sorts of things, clothes, crafts, mates (mat -ay a drink, not a person to marry), fuits and veggies. After walking around a bit, the Walkers and I came home and had some soup Rosalinda made. It was really nice. The students came back and we all sat around and talked.
Eventually this afternoon, I had to sit down and work on getting stuff ready for class. Que triste. My computer, the projector, and my writing tablet are all communicating, so I'm ready for class on Monday. Maybe I should look over my notes a bit more...
It has been another gorgeous day. The students are doing so well. They seem to have a great attitude thus far, which really makes things fun.
Tonight we are touring the church building then having pizza with the youth from church. It should be great fun.