Now that I'm down to my last few days... I really don't know what to tell you about. We haven't been doing much new and exciting. In fact, I'm pretty much dead set on doing my normal stuff as much as possible, because those are the things that I love about being in Montevideo. The last couple of days have been focused on finishing classes and getting last things done. So other than doing school stuff, I've been going to aerobics, of course, going to church, and finishing souvenir shopping.

I'm very grateful that I'm not a student as they are going through lots of finals week stress. Tensions are running a bit high. I don't know if it is a defense mechanism against having to leave, but they are starting to let little things about each other get on their nerves a bit more. Luckily, as I have more of my own space (and I don't have to take any finals), so I haven't been as effected by this... of course I may be getting on their nerves.

Oh... since I started this blog entry, I did something semi-interesting. Eric came to lunch, and then he joined Caitlin and I on an expedition to the Montevideo zoo. Its really kind of a sad little zoo. On the way there, we ran into one of Eric's friends. When he heard we were going to the zoo, his comment was that he hoped the animals were alive.

There were live animals, so that was good. Not always in the happiest of conditions... but except for one duck, all the animals we saw were alive. Eric picked lots of grass and fed them to the animals. One llama in particular (the one in the picture) really had a thing for Eric. It followed him around. These particular llamas had a gerrymandering cage that went around other pens. So we'd be at other pens, and the llama would show up. It was a gorgeous day so the couple of mile walk to the zoo, wandering around the zoo, and the walk home was really fun. That and Eric and Caitlin are just fun to hang out with.
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