The concert itself was very good. In the first half, they played some slower music to which I'll admit most of us found ourselves closing our eyes. Not in a bored way, but in a very relaxed lull you to sleep way. After the intermission the music was a definitely more peppy. We all got a lot of giggles watching one of the young percussionists playing the maracas with flair. The last song had everyone bobbing. I thought maybe Wimon was going to actually start dancing.
It was a gorgeous night so we walked back to CasaACU. One of the funny things is that after being here a month, the idea of walking two miles in dress clothes is not a big deal at all. (Because we are wise, Rosalinda and I did bring flats to wear, so we changed out of our heals after the concert.) On the way home, we had to stop at Cigales. What is Cigales? Only the best ice cream shop in the world.
So that was our adventure for last night. There is not much to catch you up on from the weekend. Saturday I slept until 11, I think the college students are rubbing off on me. Then I hung out in my apartment totally avoiding people until like 4. I then decided if I didn't get out of the house I'd never sleep that night. I walked to Tres Cruces and looked around. Then I wandered the streets a bit and came home. I spent most of the evening playing cards with my students. We played a game called Mao which Josh and I knew how to play, I'd tell you more about it, but that's against the rules. :)
One of the funny things about professors and students living together is that you have conversations like the one I had Saturday night. Student: "Man I meant to study all day." Me: "Yeah, you can't even try to make me feel guilty by telling me how much you studied, because I've been playing cards with you for the last 4 hours." (P.S. I don't feel guilty when students study a lot... future students don't try that tact.)
Sunday after church I went with Wimon and Rosalinda to Gran Sportman which is our normal Sunday lunch place, partly because its right next to a big ferria (market). After lunch Rosalinda and I wandered the ferria, we didn't buy much. On the way home I nearly gave her a heart attack. One thing that it is hard for folks from the Southern US in general and from Christian College Campuses more specifically to get used to is that here you don't make eye contact or generally acknowledge the existence of people you don't know on the street. Well we were almost home and Rosalinda notices there are some young men on the opposite side of the street but doesn't think any more about them. About that time she hears me "Hola, chicos!" The look on her face was definitely, "Autumn, what are you doing??? We don't acknowledge people we don't know on the street, esp. young men!!!!!" Of course, I knew that and knew them. It was a couple of the youth from church, they were just sitting on a different street than ours so they could be in the sun. It was kind of fun freaking out Rosalinda though... Yes I know... I'm not nice.